November 5, 2019
Most people are readily aware that stopping smoking can improve their health, but learning how to really conquer the urges to smoke is not easy.
- You need a good reason to quit. Simply deciding to quit because the sky is blue is not a sufficient reason.
- Look for small rewards that you can give yourself as you make progress.
- Plan out your quitting strategy. Decide how you want to try to quit and stick to it. Set a specific amount of time for your plan.
- Work to overcome your struggles. If you are smoking due to stressful things in your life, you need to deal with the stress before you can successfully quit.
- Set up a punishment for yourself. For example: if you buy a coffee every day, consider skipping it if you aren’t meeting your goals.
- Seek out help from your friends and family.
- Look for someone to quit with you.
- Ensure you are getting plenty of sleep.
- Aim to quit for good.
- Look for ways to take your mind off cigarettes. If you are always thinking about cigarettes, you may find that you are much more tempted to smoke.